Accelerate your 5G roll-out
Increase the efficiency of your site verification and activate your 5G sites sooner
Whether it’s rolling out a new 5G network, a new technology overlay, or expanding your network coverage footprint, accurately assessing prelaunch performance is critical. Only by testing and optimizing the network from your subscribers’ perspective can you be confident that the network is going to deliver the promised 5G user experience. Automated Site Verification leverages Precision Drive Testing to centrally define testing routines and criteria, identifying what to test, where to test and how to get there.
Key benefits and features
They trust us
Automate your site acceptances for faster 5G roll-outs
The time and skills required for validating new sites are often a significant bottleneck in 5G roll-outs. Automated Site Verification leverages Precision Drive Testing™ to centrally define testing routines and criteria, identifying what to test, where to test and how to get there. When in the field, it automatically conducts the tests, meaning even people with no RF expertise can test for you. This simplified and guided drive testing approach helps you get your 5G network to market faster.

Let's get in touch
Talk to one of our experts to answer your questions and get a demo of our Automated Site Verification with no strings attached. Submit your contact details and we will get back to you shortly.
We’re looking forward to connecting!