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Ativa™ Roaming Services, Peering and ILD Monitoring Solution

How can operators intuitively visualize and troubleshoot any issues related to inter-network mobility call and media performance? 

Current network and service monitoring solutions limit operators’ ability to visualize and proactively manage their operations with a focus on the customer, resulting in poor customer experience, high OPEX, the reliance on multiple ‘silo’ assurance systems and an inability to respond quickly to changes in network usage and performance. 

Through the Roaming Services, Peering and ILD Monitoring Solution, Infovista Ativa™ enables network operators to monitor call service quality and SMS performance in different types of mobile or interconnect networks, correlate degradations with the underlying network, identify and resolve the root-causes of problems, and proactively resolve them with automated troubleshooting.  

The package provides a multitude of performance indicators using very flexible visualization capabilities with dashboards, reporting and alarm views. Operators use them to generate advanced analytics and actionable workflows for root cause analysis (RCA) and resolution. 

Key features of the solution package include: 

  • Service dashboards showing key roaming network and call service KPIs 
  • Alarm dashboards for roaming, peering and ILD that provide real-time awareness of network alarms 
  • Interactive reports that enable faster isolation or problem areas or focus areas 
  • End-to-end tracing tools for analyzing multi-service and multi-protocol network environments 
  • Geographical drill down capabilities up to device level for end-to-end service call quality and network data traffic analytics 
  • Comprehensive interface support 

Download the datasheet for more information on the Roaming Services, Peering and ILD Monitoring Solution. 
